14th ANIE Conference in Ghana: Repositioning International Education for Africa’s Future

Published By Admin

October 17, 2024

The 14th African Network for Internationalization of Education (ANIE) Conference, held in Ghana from October 9-11, 2024, brought together scholars, students, and education leaders from across Africa and beyond. Under the theme “Repositioning the International Education Agenda for Africa’s Future,” the conference explored critical issues in higher education internationalization.

Key Highlights

1. Student Perspectives on Internationalization

A panel discussion featuring student leaders from various African countries highlighted the importance of student involvement in shaping internationalization policies. Key points included:

  • The need for more intra-African mobility programs
  • Addressing challenges such as language barriers and cultural differences
  • The importance of virtual exchanges and digital inclusion

2. Innovative Educational Approaches

Several presentations showcased new approaches to education:

  • Integration of 3D printing in Food Science and Technology courses
  • Use of gamification (Kahoot quiz games) to enhance student learning experiences
  • Launch of a virtual courtroom for legal education

3. Digital Equity in Higher Education

Prof. Orpha K. Ongati from African Nazarene University presented on digital equity gaps in Kenyan higher education, emphasizing:

  • The need for updated digital policies in universities
  • Importance of partnerships to bridge the digital divide
  • Alignment of digital education with national development goals

4. Intercultural Competence in Academia

A session led by UNESCO Chair holders stressed the importance of fostering intercultural competence (ICC) in higher education:

  • ICC as essential for student success in a globalized workforce
  • The need to address historical power imbalances in partnerships
  • Integration of ICC into curricula and community engagement initiatives

5. Decolonizing Mindsets and Strengthening Diaspora Partnerships

Discussions on decolonization in higher education included:

  • Emphasis on mutually beneficial partnerships between African universities and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
  • The importance of addressing positionality and answerability in research
  • Strategies for empowering African universities and informing learners in the Global North

6. Launch of New Initiatives

The conference saw the launch of two significant initiatives:

  • AfriCOIL: A platform for Collaborative Online International Learning
  • ANIE Internationalization Practitioners Group (IPG)

Closing Reflections

The conference concluded with reflections from key leaders in international education:

  • Prof. Kefa Simwa emphasized the conference’s role in redefining international education for African countries
  • Dr. Lavern Samuels highlighted the importance of humanizing pedagogies and decolonizing education
  • Dr. Anita Veltmaat stressed the need for joint ownership and better governance structures in internationalization efforts
  • Divine Edem Kwadzodeh called for building African intellectual ecosystems and aligning education with Africa’s developmental agenda

Looking Ahead

The 15th ANIE Conference is set to take place in Uganda in 2025, continuing the vital discussions on internationalizing higher education in Africa.

The 14th ANIE Conference in Ghana has set a strong foundation for reimagining international education in Africa, emphasizing collaboration, innovation, and student-centered approaches. As the continent moves forward, these insights will be crucial in shaping a more inclusive and impactful higher education landscape.